The Campaign – Blood Lions™ BLOOD LIONS OFFICIAL TRAILER 2015

The Campaign – Blood Lions™ BLOOD LIONS OFFICIAL TRAILER 2015


When travelling in South Africa, please THINK before you VISITCUDDLEWALKVOLUNTEER or SHOOT.

The Blood Lions Goal is to bring an end to canned hunting and the exploitative breeding of lions and other predators on farms across South Africa.

Our Strategy

The Blood Lions team, which includes you, will plan and implement campaigns of awareness and action aimed at the following stakeholders:

  1. The general public
  2. Government (both local and international) and provincial decision-makers
  3. The scientific and conservation community (NGO's)
  4. The tourism industry
  5. The professional hunting bodies
  6. The volunteer agencies

What You Need To Know

Breeding predators in cages and confined areas is not only about canned or captive hunting – there are a number of additional revenue streams and none have anything to do with conservation.

Before deciding whether to visit, volunteer or hunt we ask that you consider the following:

On Breeding & Canned Hunting

  1. There are about 200 farms and breeding facilities holding somewhere between 6 000 and 8 000 predators in captivity. The vast majority, possibly as many as 7 000 of these, are lions.
  2. Over 800 captive-bred lions are killed annually in South Africa by trophy hunters, and increasingly, canned or captive hunting is seen as unethical and unsportsmanlike.
  3. For many people, there is no difference between canned hunting and the term captive hunting that has been introduced by the authorities and professional hunting bodies in an attempt to get away from the negative image associated with canned hunting.
  4. There is a growing group of professional hunters and organizations completely opposed to the practices of canned or captive hunting. It is highly likely that these practices may well cause splits between the various hunting bodies.
  5. Unless under the auspices of an authentic team of scientists and conservationists, breeding lions and other predators in cages or enclosed areas has no conservation value whatsoever.
  6. There is a lack of data to support the claim that hunting captive bred lions takes pressure off wild lions. We do know that wild lion numbers across Africa continue to decline, and that wherever it remains possible to hunt these, demand for permits remains high.
  7. Canned or captive hunting has merely opened up an entirely new market for people that would not have been able to afford a wild hunt.
  8. Conservationists and animal welfare experts remain deeply concerned about the breeding practices used and the general conditions that exist on may of South Africa’s lion farms and breeding facilities.
  9. Given the growth trends in predator breeding since 1999, it is forecast there could be as many as 12 000 to 15 000 lions and other predators on farms by 2020.
  10. Read this DECLARATION from SAMPEO.

On Volunteerism & Conservation

  1. Very few, if any of the private lion farms and predator breeding facilities in South Africa can be regarded as genuine conservation undertakings as they do not work in conjunction with recognized lion ecologists and scientists or any of the global predator conservation agencies.
  2. Most are simply breeding or holding predators for a variety of commercial purposes and making use of volunteers has become one of the most lucrative revenue streams. Some facilities are earning in excess of US$100 000 in some months from their volunteer programmes alone.
  3. There has not been a successful lion reintroduction programme using captive bred and reared lions in South Africa. Lion conservationists warn that captive bred lions are not suitable for reintroduction programmes.
  4. There are only a handful of authentic wildlife sanctuaries in South Africa and they do not breed, trade (they mostly receive animals rather than going out to acquire them) or interact with the animals in any way.
  5. South Africa has no need to be breeding lions for release into wilderness areas. In addition, if there was such a need, using hand-reared or human-imprinted and genetically contaminated lions is not an acceptable way of doing this.
  6. Taking lion cubs away from their mothers is not a natural process and is only done to exploit the animals and you as the visitor or volunteer.
  7. Very few, if any of the cubs you pet and cuddle have been ‘abandoned’ or rescued in the wild.
  8. Using breeding farms as an educational facility is like using fast-food outlets as a venue to teach about nutrition and good eating habits. In other words, breeding farms and petting facilities do not serve any educational purpose. Instead, they promote the cycle of breeding and captivity.
  9. In general, the quality and validity of information being given out to visitors on South Africa’s predator farms and facilities is poor. It is also confusing vital conservation messages and priorities.
  10. These operations are taking in significant sums of money, which in some ways is a misdirection of valuable conservation funding.
  11. If you do find yourself on a breeding farm or predator facility, be sure to ask the following questions:


    • Do they offer any activities based on animal and human interaction?
    • If it claims to be a sanctuary, do they offer life-long care for the animals?
    • Are they trading in animals?
    • Where did all the animals come from and where do some of them go?
    • Who is their recognized predator ecologist or scientist?
    • Have any of their animals been released into the wild? And if so, where and when?
  12. Before enrolling as a volunteer or going as a visitor, check the social media sites and blogs for comments and feedback on the particular farm or facility.

On the Lion Bone and Other Trade Options

  1. The lion bone trade is a relatively new revenue stream for the breeders and farmers and has come about as lion bones are now being used as an alternative to tiger bones in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
  2. Over 1 000 lions are killed annually for the burgeoning lion bone trade. This is up from 287 carcasses exported in 2010.
  3. As has been the case with various other wildlife species, a legal trade promotes demand and a parallel illegal market. This in turn puts pressure on wild lion populations.
  4. Lions and other predators are being exported to private collectors, mostly in the Middle and Far East. These collectors are keeping the animals under appalling conditions, often confined to small spaces within the boundaries of major cities.
  5. As the demand for lion bone increases, so will the intensive breeding practices. In time, lions may well end up being bred under agricultural conditions.
  6. Although ‘tiger bone wine’ has been used in TCM for at least 1 000 years or more, there are no known medicinal properties.
  7. Often under the guise of scientific and/or research purposes, predators are also being sold to private and public zoos around the world, many of which are in a poor state.

By supporting these facilities and activities, either as a day visitor, volunteer or hunter you are not contributing to conservation. Instead, you are party to spreading the misinformation and the horrors some of the world’s most iconic wild species are facing.

Our Campaign Progress

The Blood Lions team have already made significant progress:

  1. We have filmed and produced Blood Lions, the first feature documentary that looks at all aspects of predator breeding in South Africa.
  2. We have been able to get the film accepted into various film festivals around the world.
  3. This website has become a global platform to raise awareness around the issues as well as acting as a co-ordinated call for action.
  4. We have addressed both the Australian and European Parliaments on the issues and have briefed decision-makers, conservationists and scientists in both regions. As a result of the visit to Australia, that country has become the first to ban the importation of lion trophies into the country.
  5. We have started assembling a coalition of conservation, tourism and scientific NGO's and other organizations against the practices.

We have undertaken to be partners for change with various Ministries in the South African government.


The Official trailer for Blood Lions, a documentary that exposes the terrible truth behind the predator breeding and canned lion hunting industries in South Africa:

WATCH the full documentary – Blood Lions is now available worldwide for download:…

Exposing the truth behind cub petting, predator breeding and canned hunting industry. 
Join us here:…

The NSPCA has huge animal welfare concerns for the animals exploited in the captive predator and canned hunting industry in South Africa. This industry is unregulated, uncontrolled and is responsible for untold cruelty. It is a tragedy that our wild animals are reduced to profit making machines. Coupled with this members of public are unwittingly encouraging and supporting this cruelty, so it is vital that the public are aware of the truth behind the industry so they can make informed decisions and hopefully choose not to support such an unethical industry.

Sr.Ainsley Hay, Manager, NSPCA Wildlife Protection Unit

Breeding magnificent wild creatures like lions in camps so that they can be slaughtered for ego and money is unconscionable and should be outlawed.  Lions have the right to live in the wild and to continue playing their unique role within the ecological communities of Africa.  The continued existence of the canned hunting industry is a moral outrage that diminishes us all.  This important film shines a light into the dark corners of this ugly business.

Cormac Cullinan, Cullinan & Associates Incorporated

Cruel, barbaric, macabre – all words used by Australian MPs about lion farming and the canned lion hunting industry in SA.  Our campaign was glad to be able to assist and participate in a full length documentary that aims to expose a brutal industry whose whole business model is routine, egregious cruelty to helpless animals – for fun.

Chris Mercer, Founder, CACH (Campaign Against Canned Hunting)

Captive lions have long been a blemish on South Africa’s wildlife and tourism landscape and their tragic story needed to be exposed before these practices negatively impacted on Brand South Africa. Congratulations to all involved in taking the time and making this happen.

Colin Bell, Tourism consultant and author of “Africa’s Finest”

“As a travel and conservation based organization, we find the “Blood Lions” documentary deeply disturbing. Despite being hard to watch, we urge people to get out there and see it. It is important to shed light on the dark and corrupt business of rearing lions for the purposes of hunting, in hopes of making a positive change. As we polled our membership, we found that individually each of our companies have chosen to stop booking all activities that contribute to this industry.”


The Safari Professionals – 30 Tour Operators based in the US and Canada

South Africa’s failure to address the canned hunting industry has emboldened those who make a living out of the death of lions bred, raised and slaughtered on a ‘no kill, no fee’ basis. The canned hunting industry is unnatural, unethical and unacceptable. It delivers compromised animal welfare and zero education. It undermines conservation and creates a moral vacuum now inhabited by the greed and grotesque self-importance of those who derive pleasure in the taking of life.

Blood Lions lays bare the truth behind the canned hunting industry that, far from contributing to the future survival of the species, may, in fact, accelerate extinction in the wild, leaving behind a trail  littered with rotting corpses of its helpless and hopeless victims.

Will Travers OBE, President Born Free Foundation

The Marchig Animal Welfare Trust, in providing support for the making of this Documentary, does so in the firm belief that it is important that the true facts behind captive lion breeding and canned lion hunting in South Africa, is brought to the attention of a global audience in order to create awareness which in turn will lead to much needed change.

Les Ward MBE, Chairman, The Marchig Animal Welfare Trust

This is a timely, courageous as well as a deeply disturbing documentary. It is at the same time, a voice for the wild and the voiceless … of saying “NO MORE!” to that terrible triad of financial opportunism, deceit and indifference to the non-human animal by those claiming to be conservationists.

Ian McCallum – Author, poet, psychiatrist and naturalist

With the constant pressure on wildlife, every effort must be made to keep our last vestiges of natural fauna and flora protected.    Canned hunting of any kind, along with the related consequences, must be condemned by humanity as not only a travesty of nature but also an utterly inhumane practise.   Taming lion cubs only to later hunt them is an utterly inhumane practice.   It is pseudo-hunting, a complete sham and does not even qualify as hunting on a sustainable use basis.   Wildlife conservation has to evolve into practices that are ethical, humanitarian and sustainable. This will not be achieved if there is not real and fair community involvement which has not been part of the hunting fraternity’s evolution.

Yvette Taylor, Executive Director, The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organisation

“Canned lion ‘hunting’ is nothing less than a bargain basement opportunity for foreign hunters to engage in one of South Africa’s most sordid practices. Hunting of captive bred lions entirely dependent on human fingerprints from cub to trophy is immoral, unethical and against all animal welfare concerns. The fact that it still continues as profitable commerce is a damning statement against all of us who have not properly engaged to snuff it out. Blood Lions is a good start to bring change.”

Dr Pieter Kat – Director: LionAid

Canned Lion


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4、法拍屋、繼承贈與規劃、遺產稅、地價稅、土地增值稅、契稅、房屋稅、贈與稅、印花稅..等。 在這個不景氣的今日便顯得格外重要,而本所能提供您適合的服務,依據法令的規定給予你合適的建議,並解決您所面臨的問題。 2胎,二胎,土地二胎,二胎代償,民間二胎,持分二胎,土地借錢,房屋貸款,二胎房貸,土地融資,銀行房貸利率,民間房貸,代償融資,軍公教房貸,房子二胎,銀行代辦,土地借錢,房貸轉貸,土地持分借款,公寓平房,銀行二胎,民間代償,房貸全額貸,農地持分借款,我要借錢門路,屏東明成二胎,屏東二胎,高雄二胎,屏東二胎,嘉義二胎,南投二胎,台中二胎,彰化二胎,雲林二胎,屏東二胎房貸,高雄二胎房貸,屏東二胎房貸,雲林二胎房貸,屏東房貸,高雄房貸,屏東房貸,嘉義房貸,南投房貸,台中房貸,彰化房貸,屏東二胎房貸,明成代書0905169893,屏東信用貸款,屏東軍公教信貸,屏東貸款,屏東借款,明成代書事務所,民間二胎房貸二胎屏東,屏東二胎,屏東二胎房貸,屏東二胎房貸利率,屏東二胎房貸銀行,屏東二胎代書,屏東二胎借款,屏東二胎代償,屏東二胎,屏東二胎房屋,屏東二胎房屋銀行,屏東二胎房屋借款,屏東二胎房屋貸款,屏東二胎借錢,屏東二胎借貸,屏東二胎借錢,屏東房貸,屏東房貸利率,屏東房貸二胎,屏東房貸銀行,屏東房貸代書,屏東房貸全貸,屏東房貸增貸條件,屏東借錢,屏東借款,屏東借貸,屏東土地借款,屏東土地二胎,屏東土地借款,屏東土地借貸,屏東土地借錢,屏東房屋二胎,屏東房屋借貸,屏東房屋借款,屏東房屋二胎借款,屏東房屋二胎二貸,屏東房屋二胎代書,屏東房屋二胎貸,二胎屏東,二胎屏東,房屋二胎屏東,房屋二胎屏東市,房屋二胎屏東代書,土地二胎屏東,台北二胎,台北二胎借款,台北二胎房貸,台北二胎代書,台北房屋借款,台北房屋二胎,台北房屋二胎借款,台北土地二胎,台北借款,台北借貸,台北代書借貸,台北代書借款,台北民間借貸,台北民間信貸,台北民間借款,台北民間代書,台北民間二胎,房屋二胎台北,二胎房貸高雄市,高雄二胎,高雄二胎增貸,高雄二胎融資,高雄二胎房貸,高雄二胎房貸銀行,高雄二胎借款,高雄二胎借貸,高雄二胎銀行,高雄二胎增貸,高雄二胎代書,高雄二胎利息,高雄二胎免費估貸,高雄二貸,高雄二胎三胎,高雄土地二胎,高雄土地二胎借貸,高雄土地借款,高雄土地借貸,高雄土地融資,高雄房屋借款,高雄房屋借貸,高雄房屋借錢,高雄房屋二胎,高雄代書,高雄代書借款,高雄代書借貸,高雄代書二胎,高雄民間借貸,高雄民間借款,高雄民間信貸,高雄民間二胎,高雄民間二胎房貸,高雄民間二胎二胎房貸,高雄民間代書,高雄民間代書借貸,高雄民間代書借款,高雄房貸,高雄房貸利率,高雄房貸代書,高雄房貸二胎,高雄房貸全額貸,高雄房貸增貸,高雄代償錢莊,高雄代償高利,高雄代償地下錢莊高利,高雄借款,高雄借貸,高雄借現金,高雄整合負債,高雄借錢網,高雄代辦,屏東土地二胎,屏東二胎,屏東二胎房貸,屏東二胎借款,屏東二胎房貸銀行,屏東房貸,屏東房貸銀行,屏東房貸二胎,屏東房貸銀行,屏東房屋二胎,屏東房屋二胎借款,屏東房屋借款,屏東土地二胎,屏東代書借款,屏東代書借貸,屏東借款,屏東借貸,屏東民間借款,屏東民間借貸,屏東民間二胎,屏東民間代書借款,新竹借款,新竹借貸,新竹二胎,新竹二胎房貸,新竹二胎房貸銀行,新竹二胎借款,新竹二胎代書,新竹房屋借款,新竹土地借款,新竹民間借貸,新竹民間借款,新竹民間二胎,新竹民間二胎,新竹民間信貸,新竹民間代書,新竹民間代書借款,新竹民間代書借貸,新竹代書借款,新竹代書借貸,新竹代辦信貸,新竹代償高利,新竹代書錢莊,新竹整合負債,桃園借款,桃園借貸,代書二胎房貸-桃園,桃園二胎,桃園房屋二胎,桃園民間二胎,桃園民間二胎房貸,桃園民間借貸,桃園民間借款,桃園民間信貸,桃園民間代書,桃園民間代辦,桃園民間代書借款,桃園民間房屋二胎,桃園代償,桃園代償高利,桃園整合負債,台東借款,台東借貸,台東二胎房貸,台東二胎借貸,台東土地借款,台東房貸,台東房貸銀行,台東民間借款,台東民間信貸,台東民間借貸,台東代書借貸,台東代書放款,花蓮二胎,花蓮二胎房貸,花蓮二胎借款,花蓮民間借貸,花蓮民間借款,花蓮民間信貸,花蓮民間二胎,花蓮整合信貸,花蓮代書借款,花蓮借款,花蓮借貸,宜蘭借款,宜蘭借貸,宜蘭二胎,宜蘭二胎房貸,宜蘭二胎借款,宜蘭二胎融資,宜蘭房屋借貸,宜蘭土地借款,宜蘭代書借款,宜蘭民間借貸,宜蘭民間借款,宜蘭民間二胎,台中借款,台中借貸,台中二胎,台中二胎房貸,台中二胎房貸銀行,台中二胎借款,台中二胎借貸,台中二胎代書,台中二胎融資,台中房貸,台中房貸二胎,台中民間信貸,台中民間二胎,台中民間借款,台中民間代書,台中民間代書借款,台中民間代書借貸,台中民間代書信貸,台中代書借款,台中代書借貸,台中房屋二胎,台中土地借款,台中代償高利,台中代償錢莊,台中代償高利貸,台中整合負債,二胎彰化,彰化借款,彰化借貸,彰化二胎,彰化二胎房貸,彰化二胎借款,彰化二胎借貸,彰化二胎代書,彰化房貸二胎,彰化房屋借款,彰化土地借款,彰化代書,彰化代書借款,彰化代書借貸,彰化民間借貸,彰化民間借款,彰化民間代書,彰化民間代書借款,嘉義借款,嘉義二胎,嘉義二胎房貸,嘉義二胎借款,嘉義二胎借貸,嘉義二胎房貸銀行,嘉義房屋借款,嘉義房屋借貸,嘉義房屋二胎,嘉義土地二胎,嘉義土地借款,嘉義土地借貸,嘉義房屋借款,嘉義房屋借貸,嘉義代書,嘉義房貸,嘉義房貸全額貸,嘉義房貸二胎,嘉義房貸業務,嘉義房貸轉貸,雲林二胎,雲林二胎房貸,雲林二胎房貸銀行,雲林二胎借款,雲林房屋借款,雲林房屋借款二胎,雲林土地借款,雲林土地二胎,雲林房貸,雲林房貸二胎,雲林代償當舖,雲林融資,雲林代書,南投民間二胎,南投代書,南投二胎,南投二胎房貸,基隆二胎,基隆二胎房貸,基隆二胎代書,基隆二胎借款,基隆房屋二胎,基隆房屋二胎代書,基隆代書,基隆代書借款,基隆代書二胎,基隆民間借款,基隆民間二胎,基隆民間借貸,基隆民間代書借款,苗栗房貸,苗栗房貸銀行,苗栗二胎,苗栗二胎借款,苗栗二胎房貸,苗栗借款,苗栗借錢,苗栗借貸,苗栗借錢網,苗栗民間,苗栗民間二胎,苗栗民間借款,苗栗民間信貸,苗栗民間代書,苗栗民間代書借款,苗栗信貸,苗栗房屋二胎,苗栗土地二胎,苗栗代償,二胎,二胎房貸,房屋二胎,二胎明成代書地政士事務所,房屋貸款找代辦,土地貸款找代辦,屏東房貸找代辦,高雄房貸找代辦,屏東房貸找代辦,嘉義房貸找代辦,雲林房貸找代辦,彰化房貸找代辦,台中房貸找代辦,房屋二胎貸款找代辦,土地二胎貸款找代辦,屏東二胎房貸找代辦,高雄二胎房貸找代辦,屏東二胎房貸找代辦,嘉義二胎房貸找代辦,雲林二胎房貸找代辦,彰化二胎房貸找代辦,台中二胎房貸找代辦,房屋貸款二胎找代辦,土地貸款二胎找代辦,屏東房貸二胎找代辦,高雄房貸二胎找代辦,屏東房貸二胎找代辦,嘉義房貸二胎找代辦,雲林房貸二胎找代辦,彰化房貸二胎找代辦,台中房貸二胎找代辦,房屋貸款找代書,土地貸款找代書,屏東房貸找代書,高雄房貸找代書,屏東房貸找代書,嘉義房貸找代書,雲林房貸找代書,彰化房貸找代書,房屋二胎貸款找代書,土地二胎貸款找代書,屏東二胎房貸找代書,高雄二胎房貸找代書,屏東二胎房貸找代書,嘉義二胎房貸找代書,雲林二胎房貸找代書,彰化二胎房貸找代書,台中二胎房貸找代書,房屋貸款二胎找代書,土地貸款二胎找代書,屏東房貸二胎找代書,高雄房貸二胎找代書,屏東房貸二胎找代書,嘉義房貸二胎找代書,雲林房貸二胎找代書,彰化房貸二胎找代書,台中房貸二胎找代書,屏東房貸,高雄房貸,屏東房貸,嘉義房貸,彰化房貸,雲林房貸,台中房貸,屏東房貸二胎,高雄房貸二胎,屏東房貸二胎,嘉義房貸二胎,彰化房貸二胎,雲林房貸二胎,台中房貸二胎,屏東二胎房貸,高雄二胎房貸,屏東二胎房貸,嘉義二胎房貸,彰化二胎房貸,雲林二胎房貸,台中二胎房貸,屏東代辦,高雄代辦,屏東代辦,嘉義代辦,雲林代辦,彰化代辦,台中代辦,屏東代書,高雄代書,屏東代書,嘉義代書,雲林代書,彰化代書,台中代書,一般信貸,信貸,個人信貸,信用貸款,軍人信貸,老師信貸,公務人員信貸,公家機關優惠信貸,軍公教信貸,二胎房貸,房屋二胎,一二胎貸款,民間二胎,代書二胎,二胎借款,軍公教紓困貸款,軍人貸款,警察貸款,軍公警教信用貸款,個人信用貸款,房屋二胎,房屋三胎,二胎借款,二胎房貸,增貸二胎,房屋增貸,房屋轉貸,房屋查封撤回,二胎代償,撤銷限制登記,民間二胎,民間三胎,民間房屋貸款,代償民間高利貸,代償當舖高利,代償當舖二胎,貸款三胎,三胎代償,房貸增貸,房轉貸,房屋貸款,低利房貸,民間低利貸款,代書二胎,代書借款,代辦房屋增貸,代辦房屋貸款,代辦民間貸款,代墊房貸,土地融資,土地二胎,清償借款,房屋法拍撤回,撤銷法拍,快速民間貸款,代錢莊高利貸,屏東二胎,屏東二胎房貸,屏東房屋二胎,屏東二胎貸款,屏東民間二胎,屏東代書二胎,二胎借款屏東二胎,屏東房屋二胎,屏東房屋三胎,屏東二胎借款,屏東二胎房貸,屏東增貸二胎,台房屋增貸,屏東房屋轉貸,屏東房屋查封撤回,屏東二胎代償,屏東撤銷限制登記,屏東民間二胎,屏東民間三胎,屏東民間房屋貸款,屏東代償民間高利貸,屏東代償當舖高利,屏東代償當舖二胎,屏東貸款胎,屏東三胎代償,屏東房貸增貸,屏東房貸轉貸,屏東低利房貸,屏東民間低利貸款,屏東代書二胎,屏東代書借款,屏東代辦房屋增貸,屏東代辦房屋貸款,屏東代辦民間貸款,屏東代墊房貸,屏東地融資,屏東土地二胎,屏東清償借款,屏東房屋法拍撤回,屏東撤銷法拍,屏東快速民間貸款,屏東代償錢莊高利貸,房屋貸款,房屋二胎借款借錢,土地借款民間二胎,二胎轉貸,法院撤封,房屋轉貸貸,法拍代墊民間融資公司借錢,法拍代墊,土地節稅,代償高利,借錢門路,信用不良,經常性遲繳,負債比過高,提不出保人,屏東房屋貸款借款,缺錢法拍,房屋土地借款的問題,房貸二胎法院查或者假扣押信用不良尋找出路,土地房屋二胎借款,屏東土地房屋二胎,貸款借款民間二胎,高雄二胎,高雄二胎房貸,高雄房屋二胎,高雄二胎貸款,高雄民間二胎,高雄代書二胎,二胎借款高雄二胎,高雄房屋二胎,高雄房屋三胎,高雄二胎借款,高雄二胎房貸,高雄增貸二胎,高雄屋增貸,高雄房屋轉貸,高雄房屋查封撤回,高雄二胎代償,高雄撤銷限制登記,高雄民間二胎,高雄民間三胎,高雄民間房屋貸款,高雄代償民間高利貸,高雄代償當舖高利,高雄代償當舖二胎,高雄貸款胎,高雄三胎代償,高雄房貸增貸,高雄房貸轉貸,高雄低利房貸,高雄民間低利貸款,高雄代書二胎,高雄代書借款,高雄代辦房屋增貸,高雄代辦房屋貸款,高雄代辦民間貸款,高雄代墊房貸,高雄地融資,高雄土地二胎,高雄清償借款,高雄房屋法拍撤回,高雄撤銷法拍,高雄快速民間貸款,高雄代償錢莊高利貸,高雄土地房屋二胎貸款借款,民間二胎,屏東土地房屋二胎貸款借款,民間二胎,嘉義土地房屋二胎貸款借款民間二胎,屏東二胎,屏東二胎房貸,屏東房屋二胎,屏東二胎貸款,屏東民間二胎,屏東代書二胎,二胎借款屏東二胎,屏東房屋二胎,屏東房屋三胎,屏東二胎借款,屏東二胎房貸,屏東增貸二胎,屏東屋增貸,屏東房屋轉貸,屏東房屋查封撤回,屏東二胎代償,屏東撤銷限制登記,屏東民間二胎,屏東民間三胎,屏東民間房屋貸款,屏東代償民間高利貸,屏東代償當舖高利,屏東代償當舖二胎,屏東貸款胎,屏東三胎代償,屏東房貸增貸,屏東房貸轉貸,屏東低利房貸,屏東民間低利貸款,屏東代書二胎,屏東代書借款,屏東代辦房屋增貸,屏東代辦房屋貸款,屏東代辦民間貸款,屏東代墊房貸,屏東地融資,屏東土地二胎,屏東清償借款,屏東房屋法拍撤回,屏東撤銷法拍,屏東快速民間貸款,屏東代償錢莊高利貸,嘉義二胎,嘉義二胎房貸,嘉義房屋二胎,嘉義二胎貸款,嘉義民間二胎,嘉義代書二胎,二胎借款嘉義二胎,嘉義房屋二胎,嘉義房屋三胎,嘉義二胎借款,嘉義二胎房貸,嘉義增貸二胎,嘉義屋增貸,嘉義房屋轉貸,嘉義房屋查封撤回,嘉義二胎代償,嘉義撤銷限制登記,嘉義民間二胎,嘉義民間三胎,嘉義民間房屋貸款,嘉義代償民間高利貸,嘉義代償當舖高利,嘉義代償當舖二胎,嘉義貸款胎,嘉義三胎代償,嘉義房貸增貸,嘉義房貸轉貸,嘉義低利房貸,嘉義民間低利貸款,嘉義代書二胎,嘉義代書借款,嘉義代辦房屋增貸,嘉義代辦房屋貸款,嘉義代辦民間貸款,嘉義代墊房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1. 在申辦貸款時,別聽信低利誘惑,衝動向非法單位辦理,一定要尋求專業合法的單位辦理,以免掉進不肖的黑心業者的圈套。 2. 提醒您在簽訂契約時應詳細了解內容再簽立,勿隨意簽下空白契約和本票,以免造成終身遺憾。 3. 本公司為政府立案代書,擁有頂尖的代書團隊及專業的律師顧問,提供您安全的借貸平台,唯有合法的代書才能給您合法的利率。 4. 本公司以誠信保密為服務宗旨,針對客戶的相關資料及文件會妥善管理,辦理全程絕對保密,讓您安心放心週轉。
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